Wednesday 19 June 2013

Black Bean Burgers

After reviewing the vegan vegetable burgers, on offer in the local supermarkets, I decided that although some were tasty and quick you still can't beat homemade. I had some success with my beetroot, chickpea and tofu burger, so I decided to try another. However, my creative juices weren't flowing tonight so I decide to fall back on a tried and tested recipe. I chose Black Bean Burgers from the vegan cook book, "the best veggie burgers on the planet". I'm ashamed to admit this, but this is the only recipe I've ever made from this cook book even though I've read it from cover to cover. I'm not the best person in the world for following a recipe or even writing one as I cook from the heart and add ingredients that feel right without measuring. Whenever I have followed a recipe I have always been a little disappointed with the result. Perhaps I don't follow them to the letter. This began from the start with this recipe as I halved it, I wouldn't be able to eat 8 burgers all to myself! So I made 4. I did adapt the recipe slightly (see what I mean) as I fancied a little heat in my burgers. My attempt didn't look as good at the picture in the book, but they were tasty. I served it with homemade guacamole, sugar snap peas and new potatoes

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